Association Meeting, September 12, 2018

Everyone is Invited at Our First Association Meeting
Wednesday, September 12, 2018, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Eagle Rock Jr./Sr. High Library

Guest Speakers: Mylene Keipp, Principal, Derek Steinorth, Assistant Principal, Steve Torres, Technology Coordinator

Presentation: One to One Device that includes an overview of the One to
One Plan, Digital Citizenship, Resources for Families and Logistics.


  • Adoption of the Budget 2018-2019
  • Approval of Programs, Events and Activities: Grad Nite 2019, Staff Appreciation, Scholarship Programs, Reflections Arts Program, Read-a-Thon, STEM Family Night, Workshops and Speakers, Direct Appeal, Campus Beautification, Fundraisers, Student Welfare, Donations
  • PTA Volunteer Program
  • Electronic Membership