Author Archives: Eagle Rock Jr/Sr High PTSA

Join one of the ERHS Advisory Councils

Parents and Students, consider joining the ERHS English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), Local School Leadership Council (LSLC), or School Site Council (SSC)! Share your voice about school funding, academic goals, and more.

Orientation will be held virtually next Thursday, 9/19 at 4:00p followed by elections at 4:30 both virtually (Zoom Meeting Link) and in the school library. Submit your self-nomination by Wed, 9/18 via the following Parent Self-Nomination Form.

#PTA4Kids #HowWePTA #PTAExcellence #LASchools #LDCChampionMentality #NELASchoolsRock #HighlandsCouncilPTA

1st General Association Meeting (9/18 6:00p)

Please join us for our 1st General Association Meeting on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to the email you provided when signing up for membership. Thanks in advance, and we look forward to seeing you there!

#PTA4Kids #HowWePTA #PTAExcellence #LASchools #LDCChampionMentality #NELASchoolsRock #HighlandsCouncilPTA

Excessive Heat Warning for Los Angeles County

Dangerous heat for the LA Region is expected from Tuesday through Friday. There is an Excessive Heat Warning issued for Los Angeles County, with forecasted temperatures of up to 115, will take effect 11 am Tuesday morning through 8 pm Friday evening.

During this heat event, it is important to be proactive from heat exposure. As temperatures rise, the City of Los Angeles urges Angelenos to plan and prepare to avoid heat exhaustion in your communities and for yourself.

#PTAProud #PTA4Kids #HowWePTA #PTAExcellence #LASchools #LDCChampionMentality #HighlandsCouncilPTA #HeatRelief4LA

The public can keep cool by identifying and resting in shade or a building with air conditioning and drinking plenty of water. If you do not live in an air-conditioned building, you may take refuge from the heat at a public library, recreation facility, senior center or other public air-conditioned building near you. You may call 311 to identify the cooling facilities closest to you, or check the Cool Spots LA App. Drink plenty of fluids, stay indoors or in the shade, stay in a cool area, and check up on relatives and neighbors, especially if they have pre-existing health conditions. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances. Check on neighbors or others who may be sensitive to heat.  

An updated list of all currently open cooling centers is available at this link:

Take extra precautions if you work, exercise, or spend time outside. When possible, please reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. See images below for an explanation of signs and symptoms. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the OSHA recommends frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments and to stay hydrated.  Employers must provide access to sufficient water. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location.  If you suspect a heat stroke, this is an emergency! Call 911.  Non-emergency information can be found by calling 311.

El aviso de calor para la región de Los Angeles permanecerá en efecto, empezando desde este Martes a Viernes.

Se emitió una advertencia de calor excesivo para el condado de Los Ángeles, con Las temperaturas previstas de hasta 115 grados entrarán en vigor desde las 11 a. m. del martes por la mañana hasta las 8 p. m. del viernes. noche.

Durante este evento de calor, es importante ser proactivo frente a la exposición al calor. A medida que aumentan las temperaturas, la ciudad de Los Ángeles insta a los angelinos a planificar y prepararse para evitar el agotamiento por calor en sus comunidades y en usted mismo.

El público puede mantenerse fresco identificándose y descansando en la sombra o en un edificio con aire acondicionado y bebiendo mucha agua. Si no vive en un edificio con aire acondicionado, puede refugiarse del calor en una biblioteca pública, instalación recreativa, centro para personas mayores u otro edificio público con aire acondicionado cercano a usted. Puede llamar al 311 para identificar las instalaciones de enfriamiento más cercanas a usted o consultar la aplicación Cool Spots LA. Beba muchos líquidos, permanezca en el interior o en la sombra, permanezca en un lugar fresco y controle a sus familiares y vecinos, especialmente si tienen problemas de salud preexistentes. Los niños pequeños y las mascotas nunca deben dejarse solos en los vehículos bajo ninguna circunstancia. Controle a los vecinos u otras personas que puedan ser sensibles al calor.  

Una lista actualizada de todos los centros de enfriamiento actualmente abiertos está disponible en este enlace:

Tome precauciones adicionales si trabaja, hace ejercicio o pasa tiempo al aire libre. Cuando sea posible, reprograme las actividades extenuantes para temprano en la mañana o en la noche. Vea las imágenes a continuación para obtener una explicación de los signos y síntomas. Use ropa liviana y holgada cuando sea posible. Para reducir el riesgo durante el trabajo al aire libre, la OSHA recomienda descansos frecuentes en ambientes sombreados o con aire acondicionado y mantenerse hidratado.  Los empleadores deben proporcionar acceso a suficiente agua. Cualquiera que esté abrumado por el calor debe ser trasladado a un lugar fresco y sombreado.  Si sospecha de un golpe de calor, ¡esto es una emergencia! Llame al 911. Puede encontrar información que no sea de emergencia llamando al 311.

Survey on Separate Homecoming Dances

On behalf of the ERHS Associated Student Body, please take a moment to complete a short survey to share your thoughts on whether you would support having a high school-only Homecoming dance and a separate dance later for Middle School students. Your feedback is valuable and will be significant in our decision-making process. Thank you in advance for your valuable input.

#PTAProud #PTA4Kids #HowWePTA #PTAExcellence #LASchools #LDCChampionMentality #HighlandsCouncilPTA

No School (8/30 & 9/2)

In observance of Admissions Day, when California became the 31st state to join the United States in 1850, and Labor Day, the school will be closed Friday, 8/30, and Monday, 9/2. Have a safe and enjoyable long weekend!

#PTAProud #PTA4Kids #HowWePTA #PTAExcellence #LASchools #LDCChampionMentality #NELASchoolsRock #HighlandsCouncilPTA #10thDistrictPTSA

Back-to-School Night (Wednesday 8/28 6:00p – 8:00p)

We look forward to seeing you at Back-to-School Night next Wednesday, August 28th, 2024 from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm. This will be an opportunity for you, as parents, to follow the daily schedule of your students and to personally meet each of their teachers.

(Teachers will NOT be able to discuss individual situations with you during this time. Please reach out to your teachers to schedule a conference period if you would like to speak with them regarding your student)

#BackToSchool #LDCChampionMentality #PTAProud #PTA4Kids #HowWePTA #PTAExcellence #LASchools

First Day of School (8/12)!

We are now less than one week from the start of the 2024-2025 school year and we look forward to working with our school community to make this a great year for all our students and their families!

#BackToSchool #LDCChampionMentality #PTAProud #PTA4Kids #HowWePTA #PTAExcellence #LASchools

New Student Orientations (8/7 & 8/8)

Welcome Eagles! We hope you had an enjoyable summer break. As we prepare for the new 2024-2025 school year to begin next week, there will be two orientation sessions for new students this Wednesday, 8/7 (6:00p-8:00p) and Thursday, 8/8 (10:00a-12:00p).

PE clothes will be sold at the Student Store during this time and accept cash & checks only ($20/shirt | $20/shorts).

#BackToSchool #LDCChampionMentality #PTAProud #PTA4Kids #HowWePTA #PTAExcellence #LASchools