Please remember that students will be dismissed at 1:00p on Friday, 5/26.
Additionally, there is no school on Monday, 5/29 in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday.
Have a great long weekend and be safe!
Please remember that students will be dismissed at 1:00p on Friday, 5/26.
Additionally, there is no school on Monday, 5/29 in observance of the Memorial Day Holiday.
Have a great long weekend and be safe!
Please join us at our Last PTSA Association Meeting of the 2022-2023 school year, Wednesday, May 10, 2023, at 6:00p via Zoom. Check the email you submitted with your membership for your Zoom link.
We look forward to seeing you there! Tell a friend!
Please join us this Thursday, May 11 at 6:00p for a Family Webinar: Let’s Talk Fentanyl, Drugs, Substance Abuse, and Vaping. Click here to attend. Webinar ID: 862 3948 0852 and Passcode: 702658
Dr. Aileen Adao, Ed.D., Restorative Justice Coordinator, Eagle Rock HS
Irene Roman, LCSW, Psychiatric Social Worker, Eagle Rock HS
Joyce Cassandra, LCSW, Psychiatric Social Worker, Eagle Rock HS
Applications for one of four $500 PTSA Scholarships are available to our graduating #ERHighSchool Seniors and can be picked up in the College Office or downloaded here. Please return completed applications in the PTSA box in the Main Office or email them to by 5/15. Good luck!
(Requirement: active, paid student member)
Our Annual Spring Staff Appreciation Event is this Wednesday and we can still use your support! Click these links to assist with volunteering or donating to help make this signature event another great success as we celebrate our rocking teachers and staff! Thank you in advance!